SecurIng Spending.

Protecting Rewards.

Big box retailers want a big bailout. The cost? Your credit card rewards and data security. Help us stop them.

Tell Congress To Vote NO On The CCCA

Tell Congress To Vote NO On The CCCA

Tell Congress To Vote NO On The CCCA

Tell Congress To Vote NO On The CCCA

Tell Congress To Vote NO On The CCCA • Tell Congress To Vote NO On The CCCA • Tell Congress To Vote NO On The CCCA • Tell Congress To Vote NO On The CCCA •

Right now, Congress is debating the so-called Credit Card Competition Act (CCCA). The CCCA threatens to defund data security for credit card transactions and end rewards, points and cash back programs. Big retailers like Walmart, the Home Depot, and Kroger are pushing Washington politicians to create a race-to-the-bottom that puts your financial data at risk and ends important programs that American families rely on during hard times. While the CCCA’s supporters say it will create more competition, the reality is that these big retailers simply want to raise their profits - even if this threatens future investments into security and rewards.

The Issue

Why It Matters


Technology is evolving at breakneck speed every day and so are the ways cyber criminals go after consumers’ financial data. The CCCA would defund credit card data security and could open people up to increased identity theft and data breaches by making it easier for cyber criminals to steal consumers’ data.


Americans are all feeling the squeeze of soaring inflation. Yet, Washington politicians are trying to pass this bill that would take away Americans’ cash back credit card rewards and credit card points. Instead of taking cash back away from consumers to reward multi-billion dollar retail giants, Congress should be focused on helping Americans keep the money that they’ve earned.

Big Retail Bailout

Multi-billion dollar companies like Walmart, the Home Depot, and Kroger are pressuring politicians to give them a massive handout by eliminating points and credit card cash back rewards that hard-working Americans earn every day. Consumers shouldn’t have to pay for a big retailers’ bailout, but that’s what would happen if the CCCA becomes law.

Take Action

Send a message to Washington and big box retailers that your data security and credit card rewards aren’t for sale.
We can defeat the CCCA together.

Get in Touch

Sign up for the latest updates from the CCCPC and for future opportunities to help us defeat the Big Retail bailout.

The Consumer Credit Card Protection Coalition (CCCPC) works to mobilize consumers and small businesses to ensure credit card transactions remain secure, and that people can keep their hard-earned credit card rewards. The CCCPC’s goal is to educate consumers on what’s at stake with Congress’s proposed Credit Card Competition Act and encourage them to use their voice and tell their lawmakers to vote NO on this bill.